Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Starting activities report
As you can see, the trouble of building and maintaining an activities report is very similar to the daily posting on this blog; that is why each of these blogs are considered a web-enable diary or journals, as shown at http://new.blogger.com/about.pyra
Now you could click the picture to visit the file section of our mailing group-list and retrieve the report.xls file shown, to review each of the entries as the starting point of our accountability example; we will still need to structure more specific activities and times from those entries to be able to include them in a graphical representation of accomplishments towards their goal(s). By the way, if you do not have your own identity and password to enter our mailing group-list, you could use the default user-id and password posted on the top of the left column.
posted by FernanDoylet at 9:52 PM